About Us

The Mount is a former Methodist chapel in Eighton Banks sat alongside the Bowes Railway Line in Gateshead. It became a community centre about 40 years ago and has been at the heart of the community ever since. This wonderful building is owned and supported by Lamesley Parish Council.
It is run by The Mount Community Association who are a group of volunteers from the area. The Association look after the building and fund raise to support the running of the centre. Its aim is to provide a place for the community to gather and be the heart of the local community.
Regular events run in the hall but the Association also puts on special events throughout the year. Please check out our Facebook page for details of what and when they are on.
If you would like to hire the hall or events or parties, please email us or use the contact form on the Contact Us page.
Join Our Volunteers
If you would like to volunteer to help with the Mount, please get in touch on mountcommunity@gmail.com We have lots of volunteering efforts going on, and many hands make light work. The more the merrier!
Safeguarding at The Mount
The Mount is a community building and is used and appreciated by a wide range of clubs, classes, and groups, and all age groups as well. We take our responsibilites towards our patrons safety very seriously and as such have an extensive safeguarding policy. You can find it by clicking here.